What is @types/estree?
The @types/estree package provides TypeScript type definitions for the ESTree spec, which is a specification for representing JavaScript source code as an abstract syntax tree (AST). These type definitions allow TypeScript developers to work with ASTs in a type-safe manner, ensuring that the structure of the tree is consistent with the ESTree specification.
Defining AST Node Types
This code sample represents a simple AST for a JavaScript program that declares a constant variable 'x' with the value 10. The @types/estree package provides the types that describe the structure of this AST.
{"type": "Program","sourceType": "module","body": [{"type": "VariableDeclaration","declarations": [{"type": "VariableDeclarator","id": {"type": "Identifier","name": "x"},"init": {"type": "Literal","value": 10,"raw": "10"}}],"kind": "const"}]}
Type Checking AST Nodes
This code sample demonstrates how to use the Node type from @types/estree to type-check an AST node and handle it accordingly based on its type.
import { Node } from 'estree';
function processNode(node: Node) {
if (node.type === 'BinaryExpression') {
// Handle binary expression